I can remember so many times, while sitting at my studio table, feeling a complete creative void.
The best way to describe it would be that I was seeing white noise. How can this be? Creative people see everything creatively; are inspired by the simplest things – dust bunnies, cloud formations – you name it. So why should we ever see white noise??
I think, for me, its boxing myself into a certain expectation. I go into the studio with something in mind (an inspiration) and because of this inspiration I feel an immediate pressure to achieve a certain outcome. Instead of having the feeling that I’ve gotten a head start on the game, I let this build to the point it becomes overwhelming.
I know we’re supposed to go with the flow and having an idea beginning to form in our heads should help – not hurt the situation, but I have to find that place where inspiration begins but doesn’t take over.
I know its a control issue.
I’m going to have to work on that!