
Ever been to First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas?

If not, you really should go sometime!

Check out this link to see what this legendary flea market has to offer.  For it to be as large as it is, you would think its an ‘annual’ event…but it happens once a month!!

They have it all…animal, mineral, vegetable…old, new, trash, treasure and lots of handmade and homemade goodies to please just about everyone.

Here is just a sampling of some of the more quirky items to be found…

on any given First Monday weekend…

Cool Stuff to Know, Craft, Creativity, Inspiration, Road Trip Canton Monday, Canton Texas Flea Market, Curiosities, Curious Canton, Curious Texas, Festival, First Monday, First Monday Trade Days, First Monday Trade Days Canton, Flea, Flea Market, Flea Market Festival, Monday Texas, Monday Trade Days, Texas Flea Market, Worlds Largest Flea Market 0 Comments

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