Really, I’m Fine.

Word of the Day:


noun: A thought experiment: an experiment carried out in imagination only.
From German Gedanke (thought) + Experiment (experiment). Earliest documented use: 1913.
I watched a TSA officer confiscate my father’s aftershave at the airport … Feeling curiouser, I did a gedankenexperiment: What if the bottle had been completely empty — would he have taken it then?”
Steve Mirsky; Not a Close Shave; Scientific American (Washington, DC); Jan 30, 2009.
So, there’s actually a word for what I do.  Which means there must be others who do this too.  A lot of others – or else they wouldn’t have created a word, right?
That’s really good news!
I thought I had an affliction!
word from’s  – A.Word.A.Day
Cool Stuff to Know affliction, experiments in your head, gedankenexperiment, I'm Fine., mind chatter, mind noise, Really, Really I'm Fine coffee cup, thinking all the time, thinking too much, thought experiments, too many thoughts, word of the day, 0 Comments

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