Damsel in Distress

I’ve been spending a LOT of time playing with images and apps lately. There are so many options it’s almost overwhelming. I’ve decided to try and limit myself to working with just a few so I can focus on the process more and not worry so much about what ‘else’ I might could do with the image. It’s just like picking out wallpaper (to use an outdated example)– too many patterns and books of patterns to choose from and you never decide on anything for fear you’ll like something better in the next pattern book. It’s a vicious cycle.
So, after experimenting with a texture app called Grunge HD, I came up with this version of an image I made while visiting Rocky Mountain National Park last Fall. I liked the image as it was shot but am really drawn to the distressed and rustic feel it now has. I call it Mountain Plaid.

10 thoughts on “Damsel in Distress

  1. Love it!!

  2. Beautiful piece! I like your idea of sticking with a few apps and really working with them. I tend to flit from one app to another!

  3. it is such an inviting rustic look… really works! When is your show???

  4. I recognise myself in your blog! I like the picture. Ann


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