Productive Procrastination

Do you follow Austin Kleon?

He’s a writer and artist who’s work has been featured on NPR’s Morning Edition, PBS NewsHour, The Wall Street Journal and the art website 20×

He’s also published a couple of books and I want to share something from his (New York Times Bestseller) ‘Steal Like an Artist’. He talks about the importance of artist’s ‘side projects’; the stuff that we do for fun. He says that these side projects are actually “the good stuff” – and that this is when the magic happens. 

That’s pretty interesting information and something to think about. 

It reminds me of the quote (which he also includes in the chapter):  “The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” – Jessica Hische.

Now that really is something to think about!

If you’d like to see what procrastination looks like…check out my Instagram feed at:

You can sign up for a weekly newsletter with lots of great information from Austin Kleon at:

And you can see what Jessica Hische is up to at:

3 thoughts on “Productive Procrastination

  1. I love following your words and the powerful art you keep putting into the world!

    • studiolightblue

      Hi Eva!I never know whether my reply goes to the blog (only) or to the sender…anyway – I MISS YOU! ☺️ Was just thinking about you and wishing we had another workshop coming up!I’m not traveling anywhere this summer – but

    • studiolightblue

      Thank YOU so much for saying so! You made my day!!


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