Still playing around with acrylic paints and mediums.
I’ve mostly been painting on paper (printmaking) and a paper for acrylics that I found – not sure which I prefer yet. I found the acrylic paper in square format – which I like – but it has a definite canvas texture (which isn’t bad) but I’m thinking I prefer the smooth surface of the printmaking paper so far. I’m still using both for now though.
Also, today, I started a painting on a cradled panel (that’s been primed for acrylics). The super smooth surface accepts the paint readily and its especially nice if you like to use a brayer to apply paint. I’ve been having issues applying paint to paper using the brayer – so this was a nice change. The painting is still ‘in process’ but maybe I’ll have something to show soon.
I completed a few others (on paper) over the weekend…’Atomic Ranch’, above, is one of those.
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