Organized Chaos

Worthwhile ideas, some fully formed, some seedlings of greater thoughts, arrive in our heads at random and unpredictable moments and join the countless others already there.  Some are remembered, some are lost in the chaos of the creative head.

Have you ever considered establishing a system of recording inspirational ideas and concepts for future reference?

Consider a notebook or journal.  File folders of project ideas, sketches, philosophical musings, quips, grand schemes.  A bulletin board of notes and clippings.  A chalk board.  A shrine.

(taken from the book Creative Sparks by Jim Krause)

I like the idea of a huge whiteboard.  Have several different colored markers available and write your message so that it reminds you every time you see the board. Choose one that is magnetized so you can attach notes and pictures as well.

After spending time with your notes you can transfer ideas you want to keep to a journal or file which will make room for new ideas on the board.  This visual reminder is helpful for those of us who need constant reminding or who have too many ideas to keep up with!

2 thoughts on “Organized Chaos

  1. Yes, we must keep track of our thoughts. They are gems and easily forgotten! I scribble them down and also have a white board and a planner. Memory be damned.

    • And isn’t it fun to re-visit those thoughts and ideas after you’ve forgotten all about them!
      Thanks for stopping by!


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