Orange you glad you’re an artist?

aRtist’s R DifFereNt.
Unlike anybody or anything else.
Fun loving.
We’re a special breed. And it’s all good.
But what would the world be like if everyone had artistic tendencies?
I don’t mean to say everyone would necessarily be artists but what if everyone had the capacity to see things artistically?
Can you imagine it?
My first thoughts are – No more litter! Or if someone did litter, the person following immediately behind them would quickly scoop up the goods to use in a collage! And then that person would chase the litterer down and give them a stern talking to, even if it meant chasing them a really, really long way (even if they were on their lunch break) and after having to repeatedly honk the horn at multiple red lights (getting attention from everyone) before getting them to finally agree to pull over. Hypothetically. (It’s a long story).
Everyone would have nice yards. Every person would want their landscapes to reflect their love of nature. And everyone would love nature. They’d probably write poems about it.
There would be no more crazy drivers because everyone would be slowing down to look at the cool clouds or rainbows or fall colors, or spring wildflowers, etc., etc., . I suppose this behavior could cause more fender benders – but at least everyone would be traveling at slower speeds on impact!
People would be more healthy ‘cause there’d be no more need for fast food since we’d be more interested in the quality and taste and not the convenience – due to the fact we’d no longer be in a rush because of the slower driving/cloud watching thing. Hey, it could happen!
There’d only be quality television to watch.
There’d be flea markets and art shows and bake sales and talent shows and fundraisers… every weekend in every town!
There’s be no more ugly billboards littering the landscape.
Jobs would be more fun because everyone would have great ideas. Note: I didn’t say more would get accomplished – I said they’d be more fun.
Kids would grow up feeling encouraged because people would be interested and open to their ideas and their uniqueness; not much reason to rebel. Now there’s a game changer.
There’d be no more wars. No explanation needed.
Orange you glad you’re an artist?
We’re the lucky ones.
It’s too bad everyone can’t see the world the way we do.
But since they can’t …maybe it’s up to us to help them along.
Maybe we could drop a hint, give a nudge, put a little fun in their day…

They need all the help they can get!
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